Website Audits

Embracing the principle of “Nothing about us, without us,” we ensure our entire testing and quality assurance process includes evaluations, recommendations, and insights conducted by users who rely on screen readers and various assistive technologies (AT):

Our reporting templates includes :

  1. Accessibility Audit & Remediation Report (ACR and ARR): Details all identified issues, remediation suggestions, compliance score, statistics, and a summary of key findings using the latest testing methodologies and tools.
  2. Executive Summary Report: Provides a concise overview tailored for non-technical stakeholders, highlighting key accessibility issues and test scores for website audits.
Part of an audit report spreadsheet showing details of website accessibility issues on website audits

Accessibility Evaluation - Website Audits

We provide website audits services to identify and assess the accessibility barriers present in your website. These audits involve a thorough review and analysis of your website’s design, structure, content, and functionality to determine its compliance with accessibility standards and guidelines.

While WCAG principles are widely accepted and recommended, you may require statistics on accessibility issues that are not aligned with these principles. In such cases, we can perform specialized audits to highlight specific accessibility concerns that may go beyond the standard guidelines.

Accessibility Guidelines Evaluation

Accessibility Guidelines Evaluation

With people with disabilities, we measure your website’s compliance with specific accessibility standards and guidelines, including WCAG 2.2. Our auditors provide a detailed analysis of your website’s adherence to each standard and guideline, highlighting areas of non-compliance.

Remediation Guidance

Remediation Guidance

Along with the audit report, our auditors can offer guidance and support to assist your website owners and developers in addressing the accessibility barriers identified. This may involve providing code examples, best practices, and resources to facilitate the remediation process.
Automated Testing

Automated Testing

We use tools and software to scan your website for common accessibility issues. While showing numerous false positives, these automated tests can identify certain barriers like missing alternative text for images, broken links, improper heading usage, and color contrast problems.

Manual Testing

Manual Testing

Deeply knowledgeable auditors manually navigate through your website, meticulously examining its elements for accessibility barriers. They assess elements such as images, videos, forms, navigation menus, links, headings, and more.
Report Generation

Report Generation

We compile a comprehensive report, providing a detailed overview of the accessibility issues found during the audit. The report includes recommendations for improvement, prioritizing the issues based on their impact and severity.
Ongoing Accessibility Maintenance

Ongoing Accessibility Maintenance

We can offer ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that your websites maintain accessibility compliance over time. We may conduct periodic audits or offer services to resolve emerging accessibility issues.