Accessibility Training

Welcome to training programs at Accessibility Partners Canada. Our expert-led sessions are designed to empower your organization with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement and maintain accessible environments. Whether you are looking to comply with legal standards or aim to lead in inclusivity, our training programs cover all aspects needed to achieve and uphold accessibility.
An illustration of a group brainstorming around a mobile device. A person in a wheelchair is speaking and some participants have questions for accessibility training.

Coming soon! Accessibility Training Academy

Web Accessibility Training Courses

We offer web accessibility courses for all levels, from beginners to advanced professionals. Beginner courses cover the basics of accessibility and its application to websites. Intermediate courses focus on implementing WCAG guidelines, conducting audits, and integrating accessibility into UX design. Advanced courses address complex challenges, advanced techniques, and comprehensive compliance tests. Each course equips you with skills to create inclusive digital experiences.

Document Accessibility Training Courses

Our document accessibility training program offers courses for all skill levels. Beginners learn to create accessible documents in Word, PDF, and HTML. Intermediate courses cover Microsoft Office apps, templates, and checkers. Advanced courses focus on accessible forms, PDF/UA compliance, and applying WCAG. Specialized courses include multimedia, testing, fixing issues, and Universal Design. Each course features hands-on learning through online tutorials, workshops, and comprehensive resources.

Adobe InDesign Accessibility Training

Learn techniques to make content accessible in Adobe InDesign, covering text formatting, graphics, reading order, and accessible tags. Key topics include tagging for PDF export, alternative text, table headers, and ensuring proper flow for assistive technology. Advanced training covers complex table formatting, cross-references, layers, and form fields. Both courses offer certificates of completion and enhance skills in creating accessible digital documents.

Mobile Accessibility Training Courses

Gain a comprehensive understanding of native mobile accessibility, covering principles and best practices for iOS and Android applications. This intermediate to advanced course focuses on user needs, mobile design, and development techniques. Topics include content structure, custom actions, editable text fields, and testing strategies. Over two days, participants explore platform-specific accessibility features, UI components, color contrast, form interactions, and testing methodologies. The training ensures you can create inclusive, user-friendly apps for all users.

Achieving AODA Compliance: A Practical Guide for Ontario Organizations

This course equips Ontario organizations to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), covering the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) for Customer Service, Information and Communications, Employment, Transportation, and Design of Public Spaces. Learn about the legal framework, developing policies, accessible communications, recruitment practices, and accessible public spaces. The course includes interactive elements like case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises to ensure effective AODA compliance.

Mastering BC Accessibility Compliance

Our “Mastering BC Accessibility Compliance” course helps organizations in British Columbia comply with the BC Accessibility Act through seven comprehensive modules. Participants will gain insights into the Act’s provisions, legal requirements, and standards for accessible education, employment, service delivery, and built environments. The course covers developing policies, removing barriers, drafting plans, and fostering an inclusive culture, with best practices for ongoing compliance. Each module combines theoretical knowledge with practical tools, case studies, and interactive exercises.

ACA Compliance Training Course

Our “Mastering ACA Compliance” course helps organizations comply with the Accessible Canada Act (ACA). Learn about the ACA’s legal framework, key provisions, and addressing barriers in employment, the built environment, ICT, communication, procurement, program delivery, and transportation. The course includes practical exercises, case studies, and interactive elements for effective implementation of accessibility plans, feedback processes, and progress reporting.

AMA Compliance Training Course

Our “Mastering AMA Compliance” course helps organizations comply with The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA). It covers developing mandatory accessibility standards in customer service, employment, information and communication, transportation, and public space design. Participants learn about the legal framework, creating and implementing policies, and removing barriers. The course includes practical exercises, case studies, and interactive elements for effective AMA compliance. Click to learn more.