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Blog, Compliance, News

How to make Heritage Buildings Accessible Under AODA

In today’s rapidly evolving urban landscape, the integration of accessible features into new and modern buildings has become a standard practice. However, there is often a significant gap in this progressive approach when it comes to our cherished heritage buildings. These historical structures, rich with cultural and architectural significance, frequently lag in accessibility. As we strive for a more inclusive society, it is crucial to explore and implement innovative solutions that make these historic buildings accessible to everyone. 

Compliance Management Guide Processes and Challenges

Compliance Management Guide: Processes and Challenges

Beyond the moral reasons to make your website accessible for people with disabilities, there is a legal obligation as well. But the myriad of legal and regulatory requirements — spanning not just accessibility, but also privacy, data protection and other considerations — can make it difficult to navigate the complex task of making your website compliant.

Work Models from an Accessibility Perspective
Blog, Compliance, News

Work Models from an Accessibility Perspective

The seismic shift in our work culture post-2020 has turned long-held assumptions about the workplace upside down. Organizations are now more open to a spectrum of work models, from fully remote to the traditional office, and everything in between. With these changes, it’s imperative to examine how each model caters to the needs of the entire workforce, including individuals with disabilities. In this comprehensive exploration, we’ll probe into the core concepts of accessibility and its implications for remote, in-person, and hybrid work models.

Built Environment

Understanding AODA Requirements for the Built Environment

People with disabilities often face barriers in their everyday lives that prevent them from fully participating at work or in other aspects of society. With the goal of getting rid of this discrimination related to disabilities, the government began the development of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in 1994. 

AODA-Creating Accessible Transcripts
Blog, Compliance, News

AODA-Creating Accessible Transcripts and Captions for Videos

In our increasingly visual and digital world, video content dominates online platforms. But what good is a compelling video if it excludes a significant portion of your audience? For anyone subject to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), video accessibility is not just optional—it’s essential. With the AODA accessibility standards in full swing, there’s a mandate to ensure all content is welcoming to everyone, regardless of their abilities. This is where accessible transcripts and captions for videos play a pivotal role in inclusive (empathetic) digital engagement.

Accessibility Advisory Committee

Why You Should Establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, ensuring that services and products are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, is not just a legal requirement but also a moral necessity. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is by establishing an Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC). Here are some compelling reasons why your organization should consider forming an AAC:

Navigating AODA Compliance

Navigating AODA Compliance: Success Stories from Ontario Municipalities

Accessibility Partners has been at the forefront of ensuring that municipal services and communications in Ontario are inclusive and accessible to all, aligning with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards. With our expertise, we have helped municipalities make significant strides towards AODA compliance, fostering greater community inclusivity. This blog covers our experiences with two (anonymous) municipal projects, shedding light on the intricacies and achievements involved in reaching AODA compliance.


How to Develop an Effective Compliance Auditing Process

Navigating the complex world of accessibility compliance can be a daunting task for any company. Consider accessibility laws like the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA), the Accessible Canada Act (ACA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), all of which are evolving constantly. This means that staying compliant requires a proactive approach.


A Quick Guide to the Accessible Canada Act

The Accessible Canada Act (ACA), enacted in 2019, represents a significant step forward in creating a barrier-free Canada. This legislation aims to identify, remove, and prevent accessibility barriers in areas that fall under federal jurisdiction. Here’s a quick guide to understanding the ACA and its impact on businesses and individuals.