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AODA WCAG Destroy Accessibility Barriers for New Opportunities

AODA & WCAG: Destroy Accessibility Barriers for New Opportunities

What do you think of when someone mentions Accessibility Barriers?
Does it perhaps pertain to buildings or sidewalks with a narrow walkway unsuitable for wheelchairs? How about infographics with no alternative text (alt text)?
While society has come a long way in creating more accessible environments, persistent challenges remain as barriers to total inclusivity.
Accessibility barriers are challenges or obstacles that limit individuals with disabilities from accessing or using either digital content, products, or physical spaces. These obstacles not only affect individuals with disabilities but also impact the broader community by:

Blog, Compliance, News

Funding and Resources for AODA Compliance

For many organizations, particularly small businesses and non-profits, the costs associated with becoming compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) can seem daunting. However, a variety of funding opportunities and resources are available to help ease this burden. This blog outlines key sources of financial support and guidance that can assist organizations in meeting AODA standards.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Accessibility Testing

A Step-By-Step Guide to Accessibility Testing

There is certainly a business case to be made to ensure that your website and digital applications are accessible and meet the needs of users with disabilities. This includes the legal imperative, commercial opportunities and moral requirements. But ensuring your digital products are accessible to everyone is easier said than done. So, this is where accessibility testing comes in.

Get Web Accessibility Certification

How to Get Web Accessibility Certification

Over the years, web accessibility compliance has become a key priority for businesses and website owners as they face penalties for non-compliance. And this applies to not just websites, but mobile applications as well. In short, the need for greater digital accessibility for users with disabilities is ramping up. This is where web accessibility certification comes into play. Think of it like a formal acknowledgement that your website is compliant with AODA requirements.


What Is Digital Accessibility and Why You Should Care?

In today’s online world, accessibility is not just a nice-to-have, but it’s a necessity. When we talk about accessibility, we’re not necessarily talking about access in the broad sense of public reach. Instead, we’re talking about disabled access, and the design of online spaces in a way so that people with disabilities can use them. This is known as digital accessibility.